Virgin Bhasskar 2
Virgin Bhasskar 2 (2020)

Virgin Bhasskar 2

(11 votos)



Missed the Vidhi-Bhaskar Chemistry. Rutpanna who plays Vidhi conquers it whenever she is on the screen.

You just can't skip watching it, you will watch entire season in one sitting. We want more seasons.

I am waiting for the next series. I liked it so much..

Good Part The Character WorkAnant V Joshi/Bhasskar Tripathi - Continued his good work from S1 and portrayed the character with same intensity and calmness. There were many layers added to the character in S2 and he showcased those layers with ease.

You will get fully entertain while watching this series, all 5 characters (bhaskar, rohan, mishra, vidhi & pakhi) are awsome. >Typical banarasi language.

Giving this a ten to balance out those prejudiced ratings/reviews. This show deserves more viewership not just because it has good content or performances and a really good view into how people think, plus situational comedy, but because it has all of it.

Beautiful story and the lines in banarasi accents those slangs and everything is awesome. Expecting the next season ..
