Smart Girls Like Me

Smart Girls Like Me

(46 votos)
Smart Girls Like Me


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Though Betsy, the main character, is realistic and usually likable, I could not relate well to her. She is self destructive at a point in her life where I would expect her to be getting it all together.
Growing up and growing wiser tale from a young woman who's about to watch her best friend get married and wonders where her own future lies. Betsey cannot get into the spirit of being maid of honour for Bridget, although she tries because she loves and values their friendship.
This is a fabulous book - before I even finished it I bought it for three of my friends for Christmas - it's just that kind of book you'll want to share with all your best friends. I myself wouldn't have picked it up if it weren't for a friend's very strong recommendation.
In SMART GIRLS LIKE ME, her debut novel, writer and blogger Diane Vadino turns the typical "chick lit" formula on its head. Just about the only thing about the book that resembles the typical chick lit formula is its pink cover, cluttered with clothes.
I'm a guy. I don't usually read books like this - ones about relationships from a girl's point of view.
I'm definitely not a chick lit kind of girl but I loved this book. My best friend gave it to me, and so I was willing to deal with the pink cover - and I am so glad I did, because I would have missed out on one of my favorite books of the year.
This book makes me nostalgic for that first fever-pitched step into adulthood, the 20's, where love, work, friends and family fight it out for top billing. The protagonist, Betsy, could follow every "good girl's" rule regarding being a maid-of-honor, or office dating, or fashion, or Y2K, but whether it be disregard, rebellion or even ignorance, she blazes her own trail.
The writing is just so good that sometimes I have to pause and review how this author has just expressed a thought I've had myself without such clever delivery. And the story is poignant in a way that really speaks to me after I've left my 20's and my friends have started to drop off, one by one to husbands and babies.
Another good summer read.
I liked this more than I thought I would. In fact, I almost gave up on it after the first few chapters.
Imagine Bridget Jones as an antihero.
I got about 75 pages in and I just can't read anymore. It's too painful.
Chick lit written by the "smart girl" the title refers to. Definitely tops of the chick lit genre with enough self-loathing/confusion and a solid ending.
I wanted to like this book, but I really didn't. Why would you write a book in 2007 about 1999 and obsession with Y2K?
Smart girls like me shouldn't read this book.
