(13 votos)


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I love it.
I love my book.
I am charmed with me.
This is a late review ( my apologize ) but: still was an excellent purchase, a quickly shipping process and a very good price. I will recommended.
Bought this book for a co worker as an xmas gift she loves it. She loves the movies so thought about this book for her.
It's the best. The shipment was faster and arrived just in time for christmas.
Bought this book for my wife , she already saw the previous movies and thats why she wanted to know what was next, I bought this book and it kept her entertain for a while. She told me the story was good and she liked it.
La verdad q este ultimo libro estubo sensacional y no puedo esperar a q salga la pelicula. me encato pero el final me dejo un poco decepcionada x que la verdad me hubiera gustado a ver leido de la vida de bella, edward y su baby un poco mas.
My ESOL student is enjoying this book. We are reading the English version in class.
The book came exactly as described. My wife is Colombian and she has fallen in love with the series.
No hay nada como leeer en tu propio idioma. Este libro es mi favorito de toda la serie de Twilight.
Soy amante de la saga; sin embargo mis favoritos son el primero y el segundo. Es bueno, pero llega el momento en que desespera pues pone cosas que creo que no debieron tener mucha relevancia.
When I ordered this book I didn't look close enough and got a book in Spanish, I meant to buy the book in English.
He tenido la fortuna de leer los cuatro libros de la serie "Twilight" de Stephanie Meyer y me gustaron los primeros tres, pero este ultimo "Amanecer" es el mejor de todos, te atrapa desde que comienzas a leerlo y ya no puedes dejarlo, quieres saber mas y mas, y la autora no te defrauda, al contrario te sorprende con cada nuevo capitulo y evento que suceden durante la historia. Definitivamente espero que pronto cambie su decision y escriba algun otro libro sobre esta misma historia.
It was just a great book from beginning to end. If you like this type of writtings of course.
