Chatô - The King of Brazil
Chatô - The King of Brazil (2015)

Chatô - The King of Brazil

(65 votos)



You forgot the name of the actor Alexandre Regis in the cast of the film.

Mr. Chateaubriand, in real life, could not have been worse than Citizen Chateaubriand as shown in this pseudo-biography supposedly based on a biographical bestseller.

If you want to know more about Brazilian history, this film is not a good choice, as it has no commitment to historical facts, although inspired in real characters and events such as Brazilian "citizen Kane" Assis Chateaubriand and former president Getúlio Vargas. Though, if you like innovative movies which play with the different possibilities to tell a story on the big screen, then "Chatô" is an awesome opportunity!

The Chatô's biography by Fernando Morais is typically the type of book once you have closed it will never be reopen. It is a very bad book, although the depicted character is a fascinating man.
